Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Implantation Bleeding And Pink Mucus

New year, new beer from the site of the CGIL

Welcome to 2011. With about a month late I offer my best wishes to all those who, like me tonight, remained outside the house with the keys inside.

holed up in Belchica , I find myself with a glass of the usual beer and cut waiting a few moments to write. Not the usual beer has to be said: the new year, the Belchica replaced my Leffe brown Chimay on tap with a triple that is also triple the price. Tonight, seeing me coming, the bartender did not find find them better than the last bottle of Leffe dark in the room. Everything ends, even the best habits.

So the new year forces us to change our lives. Not bad considering that a fresh start is always nice ... the end, because the first one was hurt. Want to see-me-although I discover a new passion for a new beer?