Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Recipe For Bridal Shower Sayings


Goodnight my sweet flower and far
your scent reaches
me but your petals are far far from my body ...
How can I resist the call of flowers and perfumes
without feeling on your body, your bones and your taste?
I love you and I am consumed.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Mac License File Matlab 2010

you faint light, love disturbing dream
six indelible, overwhelming passion
you are everything and nothing.


Friday, October 27, 2006

Home Made Pontoon Rod Holders

Dedicated to me "If"

How many choices, how many "If" we carry with us every day, from the trivial to the larger each of them determines our lives. There is a saying
who says he never looks back, not to reconsider the choices made ... but there are plenty of those and I do not think there is one that I have always followed, certainly not this.
You wonder what you would be, for example, who knows what you'd say to my life, what would you have given and what would you have taken.
A word spoken or unspoken, a different tone, a special meeting ... what would have caused? The
not being able to know never leaves me astonished, my curiosity chronic burn me at the thought that there are choices to be made for which there is no going back ... I live a thousand different lives, follow each choice I made and its opposite. Living
everything, and hear what's on the bottom of each glass, I do not regret having chosen, but I would like to know what is happening to the other in myself that I chose a different way ...
And the choices that will in the future?
will be increasingly important, more definitive, less and less ...
The road is filled with branches only at the beginning then it will be a path with few intersections, all risky to go down, and I will always have to choose them, to create me.
Luckily I can choose again:)

Wedding Dress Jenna Haze

Perhaps the best photo of the trip, together with the other you see below ...
The trip I did in this trip (excuse the pun), it was incredible ...
How to say Mushrooms = Surprise I did not expect their own, those magnificent colors of that beautiful beach, the sounds, the sensations, feeling of being able to let go, see you make jokes that creates the mind.
And how!
on that beach with the sunset infinity, so that sand ... sand ... and that wind was so powerful feelings ... never seen, never try.
At first it was just "clarity" of people or "blur" the background depending on your point of view ... and my feelings were already at the limit of mysticism.
The "Green" appeared to me as a sacred image, colored background of the sunset with a bright yellow halo, on the ground a lively green bed gradient wind and the clouds that moved wildly above his head was so clear ... the "Green".
The "Evil" was tremendously divcentando "clear" but the sun shone on him, was behind me at that moment, and behind me was already waning night, and gathered around him the darkness, " Skull "was at his side with the head stirred by the wind ...
Ok still a bit'.... yum ... uhm ... uhm ... oh my god ... this is alive aiutoOOO ....( spit it out the last)

And then BOOM! ! It

sand wind, clouds, distant music ... hyperbaric chamber ... a huge low-pressure chamber illusory, a kind of hologram created by someone and we were inside. Only he
the 'Usher' could liberate us, but did not seem able to interact with us, stood there, impassive and motionless with his hooded top ... red.
The music grew out of and within me, the "bad" sometimes tried to hit me but risucire to dodge his attacks, even the "Skull" I tried to chase ... but I was running on clouds.
After the sinking, the fall, I saw ... the light, the lighthouse ... and the music grew up ...
There was only one thing to do, get to the light and music.

Wind, sand, sea raging, and the clouds coming down low over my head, and especially inside ...

fell on the shore ... and then I realized that my hands were no longer caged and that someone had the moon ...


A tear again for that blue sweater lost, the life I had a ... Hello
blue sweatshirts.

Friday, October 13, 2006

No Vivitar Camera Binoculars Cd

Holland 115 Holland ...

This summer I am limited to a few days in Holland, lack of money, plus the lack of company to do more.
brief but intense and nothing short of PERFECT.
A Camper of the 80 'and 4 Friends "Old time" pairing guessed then ... if the destination is the Netherlands ... well there is not much to add?

Saturday, September 9, 2006

How To Extend An Ohio Drivers License

So where are you?

are taut as a violin string ... her voice these days I missed most of the air and coming home tonight I had hoped to hear.

As I opened the door of awareness hear it gave me the vitality to take the stairs two at a time, a slight smile on my lips and I felt it created a bit of joy explode dentro.Ma the reality that awaited me was not what expected ...

His messages were sweet as ever, and I knew I wanted to hear her ... but my mind has played a bad joke ... I do not have the certainty of being able to call, and I will not fail again.
Our words, our emotions are stolen, hidden, stifled by the reality ... and I can not hear his voice or see her ... I feel like a thief ... the remorse haunt me while I'm on the phone and dial the number ... no ... I can not risk it sick.
I put down the phone.

I take a deep breath and wait ... maybe she will do it ... I know I can not risk it ... maybe some that I remember the exact time ... but again it does not. .. I am a thief distracted ... a thief of love must not be distracted ...

grabbing every word that I can makes me happy like the first ... every time I hear your love that grows I can fly.
Yet they are hidden in the shadows waiting for a sign that will not choke ... the idea of \u200b\u200bnot being able to hear ... but I will not miss any more.

I am always ready to take risks, but only when there are at stake this time is not just me ... ... so this time I can not .... even if a small voice inside me screaming to do so, and I confess that I will not close an eye without feeling.
Yet I know that I'm living a dream ... the reality crushes me to the ground, I have blurred vision, shows me how fragile is what I try ... and it makes me understand what needs to feel close.
Now, here beside me.
Just words, no more dreams, I would like glances, caresses and kisses.

Where are my star? Not know suffocating me, but knowing it kills me ... and I know where you are ...