Saturday, September 9, 2006

How To Extend An Ohio Drivers License

So where are you?

are taut as a violin string ... her voice these days I missed most of the air and coming home tonight I had hoped to hear.

As I opened the door of awareness hear it gave me the vitality to take the stairs two at a time, a slight smile on my lips and I felt it created a bit of joy explode dentro.Ma the reality that awaited me was not what expected ...

His messages were sweet as ever, and I knew I wanted to hear her ... but my mind has played a bad joke ... I do not have the certainty of being able to call, and I will not fail again.
Our words, our emotions are stolen, hidden, stifled by the reality ... and I can not hear his voice or see her ... I feel like a thief ... the remorse haunt me while I'm on the phone and dial the number ... no ... I can not risk it sick.
I put down the phone.

I take a deep breath and wait ... maybe she will do it ... I know I can not risk it ... maybe some that I remember the exact time ... but again it does not. .. I am a thief distracted ... a thief of love must not be distracted ...

grabbing every word that I can makes me happy like the first ... every time I hear your love that grows I can fly.
Yet they are hidden in the shadows waiting for a sign that will not choke ... the idea of \u200b\u200bnot being able to hear ... but I will not miss any more.

I am always ready to take risks, but only when there are at stake this time is not just me ... ... so this time I can not .... even if a small voice inside me screaming to do so, and I confess that I will not close an eye without feeling.
Yet I know that I'm living a dream ... the reality crushes me to the ground, I have blurred vision, shows me how fragile is what I try ... and it makes me understand what needs to feel close.
Now, here beside me.
Just words, no more dreams, I would like glances, caresses and kisses.

Where are my star? Not know suffocating me, but knowing it kills me ... and I know where you are ...


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