Friday, April 18, 2008

Avril Lavigne Purple Highlights

air like puddle water

Il sudore mi bagna la faccia e mi cola sulla punta del naso. Alzo il volume Pennywise the last of me trying to raise the pulse to feel the adrenaline pushing me out of the car. They are as light as a leaf, but can be planted on the ground like a tree. I'm standing in front of the door and I bent down to try the look of a deep person, when I do these things always closes with an idiotic smile through clenched teeth and I can never repeat it in front of real eyes. Do not put a pig mask and glasses and mustache. The guy who works in the room is one of those people that when you do something that interests him. The typical person who uses one of two eyes. That tells you to shut up in the discussions crossed. What if you can not read every now and then does not put a finger to write down the line. That can not talk without a word for word to explain his idea. So I take off. I take off everything. Even the black underwear with the word 'man'. I open a beer and drink it to drop. Deep breath to feel the hops and I take the stick. I do not know where to put the car keys and then I let on.

I run into the difficulty of a naked man running. From the door I hear 'Line in the Sand' of what I gasa Zox and more. Within shouting. And everything I say is wet with rain clouds of smoke and semen of a moment. I move fast in ten customers, who now think the joke of an exhibitionist. Without his stick under the nose of the committed asking for money. A girl of about 22 mi down between her legs and nobody can really be scared. Me neither, that I get lost in that hair, those teeth in scattered, in those bright eyes and big and that white collar. I imagine the smell of the skin and remain kidnapped and I feel like a pistol shot to the heart. Fall without restrain myself with my back against a dummy, who tries to hug me. I feel the eyes of twelve people on the wound and between the legs, but nobody except you see me in the face. I bare skin, tearing her hair and a few tattoos, removing the meat and scratch the bones. I find I have the lyrics of 'Out all night' of the Pietasters recorded between the bones of his left hand. I would understand what other wonders I find text between the ribs.

"You have a desire? ... Do you have a desire?"


Corro. As I've ever raced in my life. And I feel the air as water. The stick and money. Feet pounding the city for real. This time.

I have nothing to lose.
) A (


Monday, April 14, 2008

What Does A Slave Bracelet Mean In India?

The night that people took to the streets to exchange the keys of the house there was this darkness that does not make you distinguish between the faces and expressions, a deep silence and the smell of burnt skin. Those who are lonely, those with family in tow. No one had luggage and the way to go was not even so much. None decided. It was a necessity. The world would be finished shortly thereafter and found him all right.

The photo that was taken was this: I wanted to hand in the middle that she and her brother. We looked like three models come out of a magazine jocks. Image that gives an idea of \u200b\u200byour open-mindedness and bla bla bla. Let's say you might as well be us in a magazine of Victoria Secrets and especially for the dress, which even I remember. It was hot and his shorts were tighter jeans a pair of tight pants and his tanned skin gave the impression that he never fully dressed. Cares. His brother was 13 and sk8ava from fear. He was a true Pro and the world would really end up not being sk8are from him. I wanted to be our son. But it was too late.

When we entered the house he and I sling in the kitchen. We had never seen a fridge so big and full, and if that house had been a bunker would survive years. We had everything. Meat, cream, fish, pasta, chocolate, blueberries, beer, zucchini, wine, potato, rice, bacon, coffee, sparkling water, cucumber, pumpkin, beans, carrots and a lot of lust for breakfast. Our breakfast would last all day and we started right away. When a world ends also ends an hour. Although in reality people stop just to look at. She went to the bathroom, not to powder her nose. There has always sucked the powder. Stuff to clowns. We are used to hug and caress his face only, such as ferrets, often having their hands full beating. And the bathroom is exactly what we are. It was shocking to know that only this process consisted of two rooms, one for washing hands, washing each other and do what rich people are ashamed to do well in the bathroom. In turn pissed in the sink.

The night that people took to the streets to exchange keys I brought home a gun and let those three assholes go quietly in my apartment. They followed me without notice. I never knew in that fucking place they wanted to send me. I left another set of keys under the doormat. Welcome motherfuckers. Slowly opened the lock. I was overwhelmed by a disgusting music, a set of notes all crumpled. A boy with hair crushed by a military cap was doing skateboard in the hall, sliding the piece of wood along the rails. It looked like a monkey and the only place where he would have died it was a cage, but did not have time to wear it. I took it on the fly as he was landing. His blood stained the sofa and I became even more angry. I fired three more shots. And his head it sounded really empty.

When I entered the kitchen the two pieces of shit they were running and jumping on the vegetable dishes kit. They laughed and broke everything they could. It hit him in the back and his shirt stained yellow with red knocking him like a puppet. I only regret not having seen him in the face, the bastard. While the slut I looked straight into my eyes. He was already dead before I disappear. Centrai the right eye and brain splattering blood against the pot. It was over too soon and fired another shot at those few pigs.
) A (

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Washing The Forskin Helps With Herpes

keys so close

... I try to Berci up. Stapp's ass with my fork's beck. Not to bend the cap on the table and throw coins from his pocket pulled out of a diesel €, that fits in the crown of aluminum. I try to pay a wish. She looks at me as if I were a son of a bitch addicted to alcoholism and loneliness. It 's my silence that makes people feel more ill. I feel I have a few things to share and no more than her. I give a clean shots with two hands on his jeans before I sit down and take off my shirt. It is still summer and I'm already sweating. I filled in the skin. She liked to count them and tries again, but at thirty I go to turn on the stereo e perde il conto. I suoi capelli sono più gialli del sole e le illuminano un viso incazzato. Non gliel’ho mai detto ma la cosa più bella è quell’imperfezione che ha sulla pelle dovuta alla scarlattina fatta da bambina. Quel piccolo puntino di pelle mancante sotto l’occhio sinistro. Impercettibile firma della sua persona. Come avesse truccato il viso della luna. E vedo le sue labbra tendersi verso le mie. Io lo so che non è una mia amica. E so anche che non è il mio angelo. Ryan prova a spiegarmi qualcosa su Gesù. Ma di angeli non riesco a capirci un cazzo. E non mi sento protetto proprio mai. Mi rendo conto che il mio cuore batte in modo diverso per ogni donna con cui decido di vivere dei momenti. E mi sembra giusto così. E certo sangue circulates only once and I want to drown my head in the beer. I never knew how to fuck and I'm not so good. I tend to get lost in the speeches and I'm fucking problem out of the theme that I pursued in high school, from middle school. His house is too big for me and I just want to sit in the car to crush the accelerated until there is. I do not give a shit about money, I do not give a shit work, I do not give a shit to pretend to feel good, and those are my friends, do not you hurt me, you made me cry You, however, important that you did not invent. I do not give a shit to pay for everything. I'm here waiting for someone to ask me the bill, saying that I do not give Fucking. And not because I sk8to leg pain. I know that if I fall now I can not go to work and ten years ago I do not care. I do not have a family to support. I do not know if I will ever have to. Do not think I deserve it. Yet I came so close. But the fact is that there is no one who does not already exist. And I have a taste that the fat never heard. I have nothing against fat. And I think that women really start to use your brain when you suck and stop looking in the mirror. And people become adorable. But it is not difficult to find fault. And what sucks I'm going to sk8are. And fuck you to all the lawyers and architects. Her lips know big bubble. Beautiful story.
) A (

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wedding Cake Cutting Meaning


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