Friday, April 18, 2008

Avril Lavigne Purple Highlights

air like puddle water

Il sudore mi bagna la faccia e mi cola sulla punta del naso. Alzo il volume Pennywise the last of me trying to raise the pulse to feel the adrenaline pushing me out of the car. They are as light as a leaf, but can be planted on the ground like a tree. I'm standing in front of the door and I bent down to try the look of a deep person, when I do these things always closes with an idiotic smile through clenched teeth and I can never repeat it in front of real eyes. Do not put a pig mask and glasses and mustache. The guy who works in the room is one of those people that when you do something that interests him. The typical person who uses one of two eyes. That tells you to shut up in the discussions crossed. What if you can not read every now and then does not put a finger to write down the line. That can not talk without a word for word to explain his idea. So I take off. I take off everything. Even the black underwear with the word 'man'. I open a beer and drink it to drop. Deep breath to feel the hops and I take the stick. I do not know where to put the car keys and then I let on.

I run into the difficulty of a naked man running. From the door I hear 'Line in the Sand' of what I gasa Zox and more. Within shouting. And everything I say is wet with rain clouds of smoke and semen of a moment. I move fast in ten customers, who now think the joke of an exhibitionist. Without his stick under the nose of the committed asking for money. A girl of about 22 mi down between her legs and nobody can really be scared. Me neither, that I get lost in that hair, those teeth in scattered, in those bright eyes and big and that white collar. I imagine the smell of the skin and remain kidnapped and I feel like a pistol shot to the heart. Fall without restrain myself with my back against a dummy, who tries to hug me. I feel the eyes of twelve people on the wound and between the legs, but nobody except you see me in the face. I bare skin, tearing her hair and a few tattoos, removing the meat and scratch the bones. I find I have the lyrics of 'Out all night' of the Pietasters recorded between the bones of his left hand. I would understand what other wonders I find text between the ribs.

"You have a desire? ... Do you have a desire?"


Corro. As I've ever raced in my life. And I feel the air as water. The stick and money. Feet pounding the city for real. This time.

I have nothing to lose.
) A (



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