Friday, October 27, 2006

Home Made Pontoon Rod Holders

Dedicated to me "If"

How many choices, how many "If" we carry with us every day, from the trivial to the larger each of them determines our lives. There is a saying
who says he never looks back, not to reconsider the choices made ... but there are plenty of those and I do not think there is one that I have always followed, certainly not this.
You wonder what you would be, for example, who knows what you'd say to my life, what would you have given and what would you have taken.
A word spoken or unspoken, a different tone, a special meeting ... what would have caused? The
not being able to know never leaves me astonished, my curiosity chronic burn me at the thought that there are choices to be made for which there is no going back ... I live a thousand different lives, follow each choice I made and its opposite. Living
everything, and hear what's on the bottom of each glass, I do not regret having chosen, but I would like to know what is happening to the other in myself that I chose a different way ...
And the choices that will in the future?
will be increasingly important, more definitive, less and less ...
The road is filled with branches only at the beginning then it will be a path with few intersections, all risky to go down, and I will always have to choose them, to create me.
Luckily I can choose again:)


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