Monday, December 8, 2008

A Fungus Is Attacking My Goldfish

chance meeting

When you realize you have lived too long in a city?
I think when we find ourselves in situations where acquaintances sprouting from each side ... and they all know each other. In Naples had become unbearable, promiscuity chilling: all relatives of all, everyone knew the innermost secrets of all. A nightmare.
In Trent it took longer, but in the end, when we went, we always meet someone. All-holy-time. The villages are as follows: small living space and very busy, they end up knowing everyone and be known by all. No escape.
hoped in Barcelona. The one million inhabitants of Naples has cost me 30 years to exhaust it and then gave me a city like such a long margin. Wrong. The other night I found myself at a typical Neapolitan her with his current history, me and my history, and the two "stories" were roommates when they lived in another city. Square tightly closed. Unexceptionable.

definitely the time has come to think of a post-doc.


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