Friday, June 26, 2009

Can Felon Own Bow Colorado

provided Tales from the golden age

Piero Da Cortona - Golden Age Now I'm in Naples, in my old room, however, restored (not looking for them, but jump out of one thousand symbols from this), old books and goban. A cut, as I have for some time.

"After three months, a report stops based solely on hormones and it turns out it really is the other person," says my friend F. Actually, my personal experience leads me to say a person shows the real itself after two years. Before the deadline, you can not live without (too many) nodes come home to roost.
Anyway, I now have a clearer view of this first period.

The first month is lost in the mists of myth. It's like the Golden Age of our ancestors, like the wolf of Romulus and Remus, as the expedition of the Argonauts: The strongest stories are born at this time, the memories even more emblematic. If the strength of memory depends on their emotional charge, at the beginning of a relationship we are well positioned to memorize every gesture, every sentence spoken.

The second month is dedicated to sex. There it turns out physically and you spend your time to reject the limits of the other. Testing testing, to see who you're dealing with. Sometimes it takes risks to get where he would never have arrived, so much stress that they can burst.

The third month is a first test, blind coexistence. The realization that you are no longer alone, and the fight against this. F. You understand what it meant: the dependence on dopamine is so high that crazy, but is no longer a novelty and we rebel against all constraint. Once again: the awareness translates into a new set of habits. Take it or leave it, but during the third month you have enough hormones in the body can still fly, carried on wings of inertia.

Here ends the story mythological foundation of civilization. From now on, the man takes hold of their destiny and look at his acts with his eyes open and critical. In a way, here we become adults.


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