Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wedding Invitation Afghane

tombola napoletana .. Taken from One Day in September. Ancient Love.

nine o'clock in the evening, after eating: dried figs, walnuts and chestnuts from the priest, Virginia woman put on the table, and struffoli susamielli mandarins. Accompanied by a bottle of egg liqueur and marsala. Everyone, after eating, drank a glass, there was, who made him taste the marsala, and who the cordial. The only one that does not even touched the wine at the table, was Crispin. ... Still sick, the young man paused to food, even without drinking a drop of wine, all accompanied with water so as not to feel bad again.
finished eating, waiting for hours to go to church after having cleared the dishes from the table, opened the folder and began a tombola.
Concetta, was a long time since he was not playing, and bought two folders one for her and another for Osvaldo. Sara, he teamed with Assunta, and together they took two folders full of ninety numbers, and the same thing he did with Rachel Joseph. The only ones to be alone were, Virginia woman, Luisa, and Lina. That being experienced bingo each of them took two complete folders to get all the ninety numbers available. Crispino, decided to remain at the table watching them play, and listen to the grandmother of the girls, call the numbers. When they were ready, and my grandmother was prepared to call the first number, they heard the knocker of the door knock twice. For a moment there was silence and looked at each other. Crispin was getting up, the young man opened the door and there stood a man who did not know. He felt a familiar face, but could not remember where he had met.
- I am Aldo Belfiore, you might say to Miss Cuccurullo I'm here? -
- Here there is no Miss Cuccurullo. This is the family of the Judge, I think you have the wrong plan .-
- another family lives on this landing that has a granddaughter, Sara Degli Esposito, who has a friend named, Assunta Liguori? -
Crispin's eyes widened, realizing that the man was looking for his family and that, stammering slightly, began to say: - I think, looking this family. Sara and Assumption, are here, but I do not know this young lady Cuccurullo? -
Crispino While he finished speaking, he approached the door and Osvaldo, seeing Aldo, still standing in the door, said - What are you doing standing there! Comes from, we've been waiting .-
Aldo motioned to Oswald, if you do not Crispino removed from the door, he could not enter, passing on his head.
- Crispin, do not worry, Aldo is a friend, you can get him, we were waiting .-
Confused, Crispino removed from the door and brought in Aldo, after it passed, he waited, so did the guide and announce who was inside. Which did not happen. To time, Crispino, as if nothing had happened, returned to the room, staying with Aldo coat on, and stopped in the hallway, only the presence of mind of Oswald, albeit clumsily, from not knowing where to put him coat and hat, but conscious needed to resolve the problem, helped her to move in an unknown environment to both.
Sarah Crispin's return, his heart pounding, "who he was imagining" and not seeing Aldo asked - Who was the door? -
- I do not know ... a certain Aldo Belfiore. Before asking for a certain, I think ...: Miss Cuccurullo, then asked you and Assumption ... .-
Sarah Crispin did not give the time to finish, got up and rushed the entrance, to receive Aldo. To her, joined the Assumption and Concetta. On entering, the three girls, they found a poor Oswald, clumsy and half-hearted, where you can lay your coat and hat of the host.
Aldo, in the same way, holding the discount, standing behind him, where he was unconvinced, and what did there. Oswald, Sara and the other when they came, got rid of the clothes, handed over to her, until then, the man, he kept them in her arms, not even knowing where they rested, overcoats and hats of the other guests, including his own and that of concepts. Sara to see Aldo, this time she was standing in front of him with his coat on his arm and his hat in his other hand free. A moment, and to lighten the weight, do distracted, without taking his eyes off of Aldo, Sara just turned his arms towards the Assumption, and put him in the arms' clothing to be placed. Assunta, noting Sara all taken from his holy illuminating, let the guests and led coat and hat in the bedroom of Virginia woman, lay it on the bed, well laid out, together with all other coats of the speakers. While the hat, put it in line with the other on the dresser.
hats out of superstition, were never put on the bed: it was not a good omen. It's bad luck would have meant the near death in the family. Three women, no male in the house, did not need a hat, at least it was what they thought, until, Rachel did not understand that the time of the only women in the house, and their hats in the boxes inside the closed 'closet was finished by bringing in Joseph family soon, to invite those who appendesse his hat in the house, it fell to Sarah. Aldo, was introduced into the room where they were all sitting around the table, Concetta and Sara.
Oswald wanted to give him his place at the table but Aldo refused, and chose to sit at his side, instead of Sara, while the latter became a bit 'of place among the Assumption and the same Aldo. Large enough, the table could hold another person. Crispin did not budge from his seat and Concetta, returned close to Osvaldo. After the ritual presentations, Aldo persuaded to take a folder, and he decided to take her under the insistence of Sarah, who offered, helping in the folder having him, unfamiliar with the game of bingo.
Crispino, took the opportunity to propose to Assumption as a couple. When Sara asked him his briefcase, and replaced it, with the addition of Aldo, so as to have the same set. Now they were all paired off and the game could begin. Virginia Women, put down three containers filled with red beans, used to number the folders, I sincerely request to use the skins of the mandarins, in their absence. Alternatively, there were shards of broken dishes and small pebbles that Sara, had preserved, down to the beach after having collected the scale of the beach. Finished their preparations, Virginia started the lottery, calling.
- 'O I'll sing! ... 'Or Totaro int'a Guitar! ... 'A litter! ... 'Or Ppane! ... Italy! - [1]
Aldo, since Virginia had begun to call a woman, not knowing who was calling numbers , stayed with a bean in his hand, without knowing where to put it. Sara had to cover his number, "nine" , relating to the litter. And like him, not Oswald, was aware of the habits do not call the number directly, but to identify, through the combined entity to the number.
- Sorry Virginia woman. Neither I nor Osvaldo "my boyfriend," we know all the symbols of the face. And at the same conditions, I also see Aldo, helped by Sara. Could you be so kind to call the number first, and maybe next, we matched the significance of the face? Some symbols, remember them and I managed to figure out which number is, I've made, but it would be better to call them directly .-
Concetta, received the consent of the majority of those present. For the three women mature, Virginia, Luisa, and Lina, there was no problem. It was normal for them to play only referring to the symbols. Assunta, Rachel and Sarah, c'impiegavano a little longer, but they succeeded. Even for them it was all a habit after a while ', you at least call the numbers, and have fun playing with symbols.
Luisa said - They are right, we can not expect everyone to know the language of the Cabala. In particular, they are modern young people, not very attached to their traditions.
And, mind you! It is not an insult, I do, with a light heart to you young people, to me is a finding. Many kids, like you are forgetting the old customs of our country, roots grubbed up for bad habits. ... "Modernism" .-
Joseph for his part, did not give importance to what, in fact, Rachel, with the excuse to put the numbers on his folder, he rubbed her and to him, this was a pleasure. Crispino, on the contrary, he listened carefully to what Louis said, he liked to hear the elderly. Rightly, they believed, custodian of ancient treasures to keep, and refer to posterity.
Not everyone knew that the favorite reading of Crispin, related stories and fantastic legends, up: nice brian, munacielli and janare.
With the consent of Virginia woman, began to play again, calling the number first and then associate the symbol. But before starting, she would recall the previous issues, so that all present will be covered.
- So! The first issue, was the twenty-seventh, second, sixty-seven, third, nine, fourth, fifty, and last one came out. Okay? -
numbers called back, they ran the lack of coverage on the folder Aldo a missing number. Will he held sixty seven, before had been discovered and getting to his feet shouting: - Both! We have done both on the folder Aldo! With nine and sixty seven .-
euphoric, Sara picked up the stake in the scale and gave it to Aldo, embarrassed, not even touch it, leaving it in front of him.
Virginia, looked at Sarah, and refrained from smiling, to see her niece in the entire jack
the game and the young, but fixing it said: - Sixty : ... 'A Bride! ....-
Sara, red face, moved away from Aldo, to more closely at Assumption, he played with one hand, and the other was intent on removing one of Crispin's trying to sneak between his legs.
- Twenty-nine, 'or forwarder of Pate Ccriature! ....-
- Who is the father of this creature? -
Virginia, in no uncertain terms, "said Aldo: a little knowledge of the language of grimace: - Signuri, and chill 'ca TENITE' to 'ê mmieze ccosce! - [2]
Everyone laughed, but Aldo, who did not understand the allusion to the penis. When he understood, he joined the group, laughing above. Then, to be pulled at stake, fell to Assumption, still with a smile, and, to be shown.
- Assu this angry with you and with someone else, you know, and I do not name. Sixty-six, 'and spinsters ddoie! ....-
Concetta said - I know! You refer to me, but now as you see, I found the sciorta .- (Sorte)
- And I'm happy for you and for the your boyfriend. Now we wait for the Assumption. She should be giving us good news! -
removing for the umpteenth time, the hand of Crispin legs, Assunta said - I hope that it will soon ; will take off as a mole that bothers me! -
Lina, from the way in which Assumption pronounced the sentence, he realized that he felt overwhelmed in having to justify every time for not being engaged. And touching the hand of the girl said - Why do you say that? You are a beautiful piccerella, you do not miss anything, and you are well educated: blessed who got into you. ... With you, make a deal! -
sly, Crispino waiting for the response of the Assumption, he wanted to hear whether he confirmed the engagement with Rosario. And, seeing that she did not speak, he spoke saying - I think that will make you happy soon Assunta. Nà Palummella [3] , told me that our Assumption found the right man for her. A man, whom you all know very well, and now, you pretend to know nothing .-
Lina snapped in the chair, and turned to his son and said - Crispin! what you say. But what's the matter? Are you crazy?! Why t'intrometti in affairs that do not concern you? -
- Who says I belong, there is a law or a rule that forbids me to love a person? -
In the room, a deathly silence fell, uttering that sentence, the young man who gave confidence to imagine, and doubts, who in the silence of those people, he sensed to leave room for explanation. Assumed, not put on the defensive, including the alternative that gave Crispino, namely, the ability to exploit, the words spoken by him, to affirm or deny the relationship that existed between them. Now it was up to you to decide. Use those words to clarify and share what he felt. Or disprove it, changing the meaning of definitions, and said his thoughts by saying things he meant.
- I think that Crispin is right .-
upsetting the incredulous faces of those who had heard the young man said to love her, Assunta reaffirmed the words of Crispin.
Assunta noted that the present, all dangling from her lips, she waited for a confirmation or denial about what he had said Crispino, and because she gave him reason.
Taking Crispino's hand in his, she tried not to disappoint them and said - Sometimes, it is believed that those who love us, inevitably, it must be intimate. Or related to us by special feelings. Crispin is telling you that it is not. There are friends, who more than others, there are always neighbors, and do not do it to their advantage. ... I mentioned a few things to Crispin of a person and for the great affection he has for me, told me to think very carefully before making a step, because no one forced me, to please someone speeding. Here, what he meant, He loves me, loves me like Sarah, or Rachel. We grew up together as brothers and sisters. I always considered my little brother. He's right, sooner or later have to decide to tell you, but for now leave it to end this year by an old maid, so how he called me, Virginia woman .-
The first thing I thought Crispin was: it is a son of a bitch. "In the sense of the word." He thought of it stuck, but he was wrong.
The people, accepted the argument of the Assumption, as a release of a dirty announced the words of the Assumption made it possible to understand the intent of Crispin.
to think of it as Crispin, remained, Concetta and Sara. The first, because it was far from what he had sensed in seeing them in the dark and the other, too close to the Assumption, for not understanding the sense in which, had stated Crispin. The answer given by Assunta, Lina's allowed to take breath, after listening to the child. The other women, seen as an expression of a good family tie between the two, as a seal of love, born in early childhood among children.
sedated the shouting woman began to call Virginia, going along for the inside.
- Thirty-two ... 'or eel! ... Fifty-seven ... 'or scartellate! ... You: ... chella about looks 'Nterra! - [4]
- Terno! ... I did Terno: ... six, twenty-seven and sixty-seven .-
said Rachel, whereupon, Joseph called .
- In truth, I did it on my folder. Why do you say that you did? -
Okay! It is not the same thing? So, the folders are shared! -
- The folders will also be in town! But now ... I'm playing here! E Terna is the front of me. If you really want to participate, saying the two of us we did Terno .-
Joseph joking, but if Rachel took it seriously, and emptied the folder, raising it from the table, slipping away all the beans and husks mandarins.
bingo ended at eleven twenty. At that time, everyone got up and got ready to go to mass.
pity that the church of Porto Salvo was so close. Sara, he wanted to walk more on the side of Aldo, but he himself was happy: Aldo in the Church, stood beside her.
Full unbelievably faithful to the little church would not allow everyone to find the place. However, knowing woman and woman Luisa Virginia, some members stood up to her butt. They would not have allowed that woman Louise, still poor, the same standing, nor would those who were left standing around.


[1] The urinal, the squid in the guitar, the offspring, bread, 'Italy.
[2] What you have between your legs.
[3] Moth, moth.
[4] one that looks to the ground. "Vagina".


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