Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sample Fill In Mv619r


a month we moved into our new campus of Poble Nou and left the station in France that has hosted in recent years, noise from trains and songs of the Zoo animals. The neighborhood where we worked has its attractions, a youth meeting hip and cultured tourists. Quit work and go get a beer in passeig side, with the background one of the finest Gothic cathedrals of Europe, was a real pleasure.

The area where we are now caught between the Diagonal, Marina and the first buildings of the Poble Nou is in the middle-of-control construction. It would perhaps be better to speak of deconstruction, because you're throwing down the old working-class neighborhood, its brick factories and its blocks of the first 900 to make room for skyscrapers, crystal towers of modernity that moves forward. The
Poble Nou has had a tremendous development during the industrial revolution, the Manchester of Catalonia
was called. Now it is one of the places in the world offering more to understand in which direction it moves the e-economy-especially the industrial revolution that ended more than a century in this part of the planet.

Going to work, I came across a book about a Mansion, various characters in light and dark and a sacrifice made with the quiet calm of a fair that you leave down on its prey, a life wasting away in a moment, gained after shots of danger and growth, now in its completion.

Now the university area is a neighborhood full of contrasts, mentre si buttano giù i vecchi fabbricati e iniziano a sorgere a lato, alti pinnacoli alla moda sognati da architetti famosi. Se passeggiate lungo la stessa calle Tanger dove sorge il mio Dipartimento delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione (eh sì, c'è trendismo anche nella scienza!), troverete, dopo l'isolato della Pompeu e gli studi della televisione di stato (TVE), una rimessa di camion trasformata in un villaggio gitano, con viali di roulotte e deposito di ferrivecchi. Poco più avanti, una discoteca hard, il Merlin, le cui mura hanno forma di torrioni e merli di castello medievale. E poi... il vuoto, due edifici in mezzo al no-man's-land che sorgono come monoliti grigi, dimenticati da una razza preesistente di giant ants, waiting to be felled to make way for homes more suitable to the new business district and the technology that is being built. So

relations. Construct and then deconstruct, and sometimes destroyed.
The sacrifice of the book was well thought, planned with wise and cool completely free: the time came, of course, the victim was pushed to the precipice that was waiting, a gaping hole of despair, a large and hungry. All very simple and vindictive as a child.
Not to be outdone (by time, by events, by their opponents) have to run on the edge of a blade, like a game of go, always in balance between construction and destruction. Eternal wheel made of erasures and subsequent unfolding that makes up stories.
build .... deconstruct .... building .... deconstruct .... building .... deconstruct .... Building.


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