Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cages For Syrian Runt

Ok from "Let's rock"

You start to get serious, some days I have made up his mind to seek work in earnest and soon the mechanism has operated.
Today, in a few hours I will have the test day as a bartender in a very nice (, we hope goes well, the initial interview, if not always overcome the other.
But if not I have already received three emails from many other nice places with offers for bartender to waiter, one of them, just for statistics, it should be fine.
Otherwise, if your bad luck will haunt me I can always go back to black coffee ( where at least at first, after the interview, I had expressed willingness to hire me.
short, "Mark is back in action after months of complete inactivity, both physical and cerebral.
Let 's see how it goes and hope for the best.


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